60-degree Burn
60-Degree Bunsen Burner Test (for aviation)
The 60-Degree Bunsen Burner test is used by the aerospace/aviation industry to determine the resistance of electrical wire and cable insulation to a flame applied for 30-seconds. It is most commonly used to show compliance with 14 CFR 25.1713(c).
Test Methods

Test Summary
A test sample is aligned at 60° and exposed to a small Bunsen burner flame. The flame is applied for 30 seconds and then pulled away from the sample. If the sample continues to flame, this flame time is recorded along with any flaming drips that may occur. After the test is over, the burn length is measured. The pass/fail criteria are based on the flame time, drip flame time, and burn length averaged across three test samples.
Test Sample Requirements
Test samples must meet the following requirements:
Regulatory Requirements
This test is typically used to show compliance with the following U.S. Federal Regulations:
Note 1: In the aviation industry, 14 CFR may also be referred to as "FAR" (Federal Aviation Regulations). You may see the requirements listed as FAR 23.1359, FAR 25.1713, etc.
Note 2: The European Union Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) uses similar Certification Specifications (CS) which correspond to those in the CFR. For example, the EASA regulations are listed as CS 23.1359, CS 25.1713, etc. These regulations may also be referred to as "JAR" (Joint Aviation Requirements) and listed as JAR 23.1359, JAR 25.1713, etc.
Products Requiring This Test
All insulation on electric wire or cable in any aircraft or rotorcraft require the 60-Degree Bunsen Burner Test.
History of the 60-Degree Bunsen Burner Test
In 1969, based on the recommendations of the National Electrical Manufacturers' Association, the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) updated the regulations in 14 CFR Part 25 "Transport Category Airplanes: Crashworthiness" to improve fire safety. These new regulations included a new requirement for flammability of electric wire and cable insulation in Section 25.1359. A new test was also added to 14 CFR Part 25, Appendix F called the "Sixty degree test" to ensure all electric wire and cable insulation installed in any area of the fuselage is self-extinguishing.
The 60-degree Bunsen Burn test underwent a few changes since its creation. Individual manufacturers and organizations also established their own internal versions of the 60-degree Bunsen Burn Test, such as Airbus (ABD0031/AITM 2.0005), McDonnell Douglas (DMS 1501), and ASTM International (ASTM F777, withdrawn in 1998).
In order to facilitate improvements to the test standard without constantly changing the CFR, the FAA published Report DOT/FAA/CT-99/15 "Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook" in 1990. The tests in this handbook are considered an acceptable equivalent to those in the CFR. The handbook was updated in 2000 to DOT/FAA/AR-00/12, with the 60-degree Bunsen Burner Test located in Chapter 4 of the handbook.
Sources: Federal Register Vol. 34, No. 153
Additional Resources
Resource | Description |
14 CFR 23.1359 |
Electrical System Fire Protection (Normal, Utility, Acrobatic, and Commuter Category Airplanes) U.S. Regulations for FAR 23.1359 at Amendment 23-49. (Historical) |
14 CFR 23, Appendix F |
Appendix F to Part 23 (Commuter Category Airplanes) U.S. Regulations, Criteria and Test Procedures. (Historical) |
14 CFR 25.869 |
Fire Protection: Systems (Transport Category Airplanes) U.S. Regulations for FAR 25.869 at Amendment 25-123. |
14 CFR 25.1713 |
Fire Protection: EWIS (Transport Category Airplanes) U.S. Regulations for FAR 25.1713 at Amendment 25-123. |
14 CFR 25, Appendix F |
Appendix F to Part 25 (Transport Category Airplanes) U.S. Regulations, Criteria and Test Procedures. |
14 CFR 27.1365 |
Electric Cables (Normal Category Rotorcraft) U.S. Regulations for FAR 27.1365 at Amendment 27-35. |
14 CFR 29.1359 |
Electrical System Fire and Smoke Protection (Transport Category Rotorcraft) U.S. Regulations for FAR 29.1359 at Amendment 29-42. |
FAA Fire Test Handbook, Chapter 4 |
FAA Aircraft Materials Fire Test Handbook (DOT/FAA/AR-00/12); Chapter 4; 60-Degree Bunsen Burner Test for Electric Wire. This handbook provides an acceptable means of compliance with the relevant regulations. This is the preferred test method to find compliance with the listed regulations. |
FAA Advisory Circular, AC 23-2A |
Flammability Tests This advisory circular provides information and guidance concerning compliance with FAR Part 23 and CAR Part 3 applicable to flammability tests for various materials, components, and electrical wire. |
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